End of the World Japanese Style

September 2018

End of the World Japanese Style

The latest discoveries of Japanese space researchers have spawned a new wave of discussions about the end of the world. More precisely about what could be the cause of the Apocalypse. Tokuhiro Nimura, the head of the group of scientists from the Land of the Rising Sun suggested that the fall of the asteroid on the Mexican peninsula of Yucatan did not cause the extinction of dinosaurs on the planet. (This is the most popular version). According to his analysis, 65 million years ago the Earth was enveloped by a molecular cloud, blocking the sunlight. The planet plunged into darkness, which caused a sharp drop in temperature. Not only lizards, but every sixth species of marine animals and, approximately, every fifth family of land vertebrates died.

The "Japanese hypothesis" fully agrees with the large amount of iridium found in the geological strata of that era. This substance, most likely, brought cosmic clouds to the planet. Supporters of this theory admit that a molecular cloud of high concentration can again pass through the solar system. And, depending on the composition, even destroy all life on Earth. Interstellar dust with a high level of radiation will cover the planet, blocking the sunlight. That is, and the "end of the world" will come. People will not notice the moment when they die. However, the overwhelming majority of the international scientific community believes that Tokuhira Nimura's conclusions may look plausible, but so far they do not have sufficient evidence.
