When did the Earth come to life?

September 2018

When did the Earth come to life?

University of Bristol is one of the most prestigious universities in England, which is included in the TOP-40 science-intensive educational centers of our time. Its researchers have repeatedly surprised the world with discoveries in various fields of knowledge that significantly influenced the development of civilization. And the year 2018 was no exception. Bristol biologists have recently made news headlines. Having processed mathematical modeling and genetic analysis data, they established that the common ancestor of all existing organisms on Earth appeared 100 million years earlier than commonly believed.

According to generally accepted hypotheses, life on Earth appeared about 4 billion years ago. Then our planet underwent an intensive meteorite-asteroid attack, after which no organism could survive. On Earth, there was literally no place to live, all the water evaporated ... However, now there are good reasons to believe that a certain population of organisms had existed before the bombardment from space and could survive it. A universal common ancestor of bacteria and unicellular organisms was detected with the help of "molecular clocks". The essence of the method is that changes in DNA accumulate at a constant rate. Having tracked their appearance, you can accurately calculate the history of development of any kind. In their report, British biologists substantiated the appearance of life on Earth long before the very prehistoric catastrophe and put forward evidence of its continuing development after the global cataclysm.
