Earlier, we already wrote about the first step in the global balancing of the modern world economy, which is still in a state of recession after the 2008-2010 crisis; and a number of specialists believe that the next wave of a systemic crisis, which is more threatening in its consequences, will soon be waiting for us. In any case, until 2025, which many have already declared a point of bifurcation or even singularity, when the world must radically change for the sake of self-preservation, the global balancing of the world economy will have to be completed.
In brief, the essence of the first step is that we must develop:
- radically new goals and objectives of economic development;
- principles of economic diversification and economic re-globalization;
- ways of “greening” all spheres of public activity;
- technical and economic support for projects that aim at the modernization of man as an object of labor and subject of the scientific and technological progress;
- an acceptable birth control scheme.
The essence of the second step is in the development of a consensus plan for the next stage of activity. In general, the plan for economic balancing of the economy can be launched in a truncated version, which China is trying to do in a skewed way with the help of a “new silk road", but it seems to be better than what the USA is proposing.
The purpose of this system is the redistribution of value added between people living on this planet in order to reduce or totally eradicate such phenomena as:
- resource wars and embezzlement;
- hunger and malnutrition;
- poverty;
- incidence of epidemic and chronic diseases;
- infant mortality;
- irrational use of natural resources;
- pollution of the planet’s surface, water and air, including radio wave pollution;
- global climate change.
The most problematic point of this plan is what incentives we could offer capitalists both in terms of earning money on the public resource and labor, and in terms of non-contributive spending, which many magnates are famous for.
Owners of means of production will only agree to this plan if we hang a "carrot" in front of them. This carrot could be a market worth of 2.5 - 3 billion wealthy people, which would make up three silver billion, or five billion people who are capable of consuming modern things and services.
Universal employment will increase global purchasing power and boost demand for goods and services. Satisfaction of these needs will require the construction of world factories. The emergence of this industry in Southeast Asia and India will encourage the growth of the middle classes in these regions, which will encourage construction of similar factories in developed countries.
This system will need to include:
- Tougher environmental standards for waste production, which in itself will cause the production of treatment facilities (water, garbage, industrial waste).
- Tougher quality standards increasing the lifespan of products and their maintainability, which would create additional jobs in the Third World, energy consumption reduction measures, including for household appliances and cars, and the use of safe and recyclable materials.
- An advanced infrastructure of five billion ports, logistics centers, railways and highways, energy centers and power lines, healthcare and education institutions (from schools to institutes and research centers).
The implementation of the second step of global economic balancing would help mankind unite and move towards creating a noospheric civilization based on the principles of universal humanism and biocentric values.